Study Resources
Post links to online resources you have found useful and want to share with the group.
General Resources
- Yale Open Courses (Milton, American Novel, Modern Poetry)
- Harvard's Theatre in Video Site
- To access Masterplots: Go to Library page, E-Resources, and search for/click "M" to find MagillOnLiterature Plus (EBSCOhost). Then type in your search terms (i.e., "Middlemarch") to find summaries, character lists, etc. Its confusing.
Medieval Lit
- Texts for York Plays Creation is 2, Crucifixion 35, Harrowing of Hell 37, Last Judgment 47 (I think)
- Simpson's Chaucer class website (summaries, full text, other stuff)
Renaissance Lit
- King Lear (Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre)
- Shakespeare's Sonnets with commentary
- (Plot Summary of The Faerie Queene)